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I can't download it from android

Hi! Can you please tell what exactly problem are you experiencing? Some error message? If you are getting some vague “package parsing error” or “app not installed” can you please tell your Android version?

For me it downloads and works without errors.


Now works too for me


Hello there! Did you manage to install the game? If not, can you please tell me what exactly doesn’t work or which error message you get?


oh sorry mb

oh sorry mb


now work


This Game look cool

Thank you! :)


Neat little game. I think there are some balance issues still it is a tad bit getting better along the way, but when you die once it seems might either start over or bum rush each stairs since you get agroed instantly by slimes before equipping things. Nice little roguelike for few minute spurts though.

I would recommend either your respawning on a "prison floor" that has some basic stuff or making the slimes a little less aggressive or aware. Also some image outside of text noting that you are hitting like the monsters have.

I will say cheers on progress I down loaded when first posted and it is improving, so hope to see where goes. It is a nice little time killer and I know at this point you have the means to make better the way you have fixed things thus far I can tell you have something that can be fun in small bites or longer when completed.

Thank you!

I would recommend either your respawning on a “prison floor”

I’m working on this feature just right now :D The characters will get captured instead and next character will have to go down to the rescue :)


Doesn't let me download on android.

I’ve just checked and could download it from both of my Android devices (5 and 11), it installs well and runs. Can you please specify what error message you are getting or maybe some additional information is shown on the screen?

Also note that if you can download, but can’t install the game - you need to allow installation of third-party APKs in your phone Settings. Your phone will usually prompt you to with a clear message when you click the downloaded file.


"there was a problem parsing the package" it said

Very weird. Can you please tell your Android version? It should work with Android 4.2 and above, but I don’t have device older than 5.0 to test. Previous game ran fine on Android 4.2.2.


Android version 12

Thank you! There seems to be an issue that may be related. Investigating.

Thank you for reporting the issue and testing the fix! Michalis, author of Castle Game Engine, has fixed it and the new build is available!

Also you got discord?

Yes, eugeneloza#1285


Yeah installing it from my phone download folder it starts the installation process but then says "app not installed" without elaboration.
Then tried installing it over usb with android studio and it seemed to work fine weirdly enough? I don't understand why

(1 edit)

Indeed, very weird. Can you please tell your Android OS version?

Edit: there may be a bug with Android version 12, investigating.

(1 edit)

I’ve just published a build with a fix for Android 12 installation (thanks to Deathcomes18 for reporting and testing it and Michalis Kamburelis for fixing it :)), can you please check if it helps with your issue:?

abdl content?

If DuckDuckGo expands this acronym correctly, then no. Currently only cartoon nudity.



There's not too much but it's interesting and I like the art, background music and how the maps look (but the generation it's a bit weird, but I think it's ok right now), pretty nice :) 


Thank you! Yes, the map generation will be fixed ASAP, because it’s extremely confusing.


played a bit it seems combat is a bit hit or miss atm with the blue slimes really being hard to hit also noticed the auto pathing sometimes moves
where i dont wanna go sometimes dont know what causes it

Thank you!

Yeah, I wanted to keep blue slimes as small enemies for some future boss spawns, but indeed it’s better to rework/remove them for now as they cause more annoyance. I’ll do that in the next update.

Pahtfinding is not very good because the map generation algorithm is not good - it’s not always clear where it’s possible to go and where not. I’ll need to fix that ASAP. But unfortunately that’s not for the next update.

Fixed blue slime issue, release ready :)

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