Version 1.10.670 - Major update

A major update to the game that brings 8 new biomes (3 used for “structures”; 5 new regular biomes including 1 new map generation algorithm and ability to generate “premade” structures on the map). Also new mechanic: Sigils now let the Player character pass through but prevent monsters from following.

And finally the game features a tutorial-like screen, describing more in-depth game mechanics and strategies on how to get started :)

Full changelog:

  • How to Play (aka tutorial) page accessible from Main Menu
  • 8 new biomes:
    • Metal: Long not organized corridors
    • Black: Organized corridors with little treasure or monsters
    • Vault: Very organized corridors with larger rooms
    • Prison: Long passages with multiple nooks
    • Mossy: Large open areas
    • Three variants of structure biomes
  • Structures - 56 premade building-like objects that can appear on the map
  • 6 variants of Player character image, randomized at map start
  • More monsters variants
  • Sigils: player can pass through them, but monsters can’t; 3 variants
  • Rework map tileset - more diversity
  • 221 new hints and jokes
  • Treasure now is rendered on the zoom-out map almost always, not only when close to the Player position
  • Mouse wheel also zooms in/out
  • Do not treat first playthrough as high score
  • More debug options (in debug build only): F1 - teleport for free; F2 - display all generated map; F3 - Generate a huge map around the Player
  • Modding tool to visually create structures that can be placed on the map
  • Fix deprecated way of sound handling; upgrade Castle Game Engine version (optimiztions, bugfixes)


kryftolike-1.10.670-android-release.apk 32 MB
99 days ago
kryftolike-1.10.670-linux-x86_64.deb 25 MB
99 days ago
kryftolike-1.10.670-linux-x86_64.tar.gz 27 MB
99 days ago 27 MB
99 days ago

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вроде не так много времени прошло...помню самые свежие версии игры, и вот игра всё совершенствуется и совершенствуется )