0.56.5625 - Character Editor

Finally an update! Took me way longer than I hoped for, but a few bigger features are ready!
The major update is Character Editor which allows customizing shape and colors of heroine’s bodyparts through an easy interface. It still has a few WIP features (like better eyes customization), but most of the planned stuff is already in place. Also groundwork for changing poses of the character and supporting multiple distinctive body shapes has been done, but is not yet visible in the game, first of all because it needs quite some additional graphics.
There were also three significant gameplay changes. First of all, the combat is now by far more dynamic, increasing both player character and monsters attack speed. Second, some tedious tasks like disarming traps or repairing items now accelerate time flow speed if the character is not in danger, almost eliminating all waiting :) And finally - resting has been significantly rebalanced, now it’s possible to fully recover by resting, also the resting quality drastically increases with time rewarding for taking higher risks.
This update also features 7 new monsters and 5 monsterlings:
Ecto-Ghost - a monster that is able to walk through walls and is especially effective against undressed targets, disarming and restraining those.
Panty Thief - another ghost-type opponent, that on the contrary is specially effective against underwear, making it come to life and flee the owner. Catching it could be quite tricky.
Tickle Thief - a slightly stronger version of Tickling Slime that steals items when undressing the target instead of simply dropping them to the ground, and can also pick up items lying around.
Dandelion - is a treacherous opponent that releases a swarm of projectiles in all directions, doing minor damage in one impact, but potentially lethal if a lot of projectiles hit the target.
Slime Mould - doesn’t attack by itself but spawns a swarm of small weak slimes that attack the target.
Tickling Mess - another spawner-type enemies that spawns a bunch of ticklers instead, not too dangerous alone, but situation can quickly spiral out of control if their numbers grow too high.
Veins Binder - a variant of binder enemies that uses Living Ropes instead of regular ones, while slightly weaker than normal ropes, these regenerate and might be trickier to get rid of.
And of course, a ton of bugfixes, smaller changes and gameplay improvements, most of which you can find in the full changelog:
Body customizations and poses:
- Character editor
- Body blueprints: way to define species and special body features (WIP)
- Shapepose: a way to define shape and pose of the actor (WIP)
- New way of handling items/bodyparts images: each can have multiple associated images
- 28 noses variants (all that we’ll ever need, I guess :))
- Support for automatic colorization, colorization by color tag
- Random color variants: 7 base colors, 7 belly colors, Hands/feet nails colors - 33 variants, Tattoo colors - 3 variants, 72 hair colors, 8 nipples colors
- Sliders in character editor to manually define body colors
- Individual character can be set to Censored or Censored in Screenshots mode
- During customization the character is automatically in nude mode
Bigger features:
- More dynamic combat (Player character and monsters land hits quicker)
- Automatic time acceleration for longer tasks (repairing, disarming traps, equipping, etc) in case the character is not in danger
- Rebalance resting: now it is possible to fully restore all stats while resting. Resting starts slower, but is not capped at top.
- Rework of the inventory UI
- Move “Zoom in/out” buttons into Pause menu
- New kind of enemy movement: ghost (phase through walls)
- New shooting behavior: shoot at random angles (used by Serial Shooter and Panty Thief)
- New enemy type: Ecto Ghost - mostly useless against a dressed target, but will disarm and spit glue over a fully nude one. Spawns at lvl.17, patrols at lvl.20.
- 2 new restraints: Ecto Glue stick to hands (prevents doing anything complex until removed) or eyes (limits vision but not as much as a blindfold).
- New item: Glasses of Escape : reduces effort needed to escape restraints by 50%
- New enemy type: Panty Thief - Extremely efficient at stealing underwear, becomes absolutely useless if target is wearing overwear though. Quite capable against nude targets. Projectiles can also pick up underwear from the ground. Spawns at lvl.16, patrols at lvl.19.
- New enemy type: Flying Underwear (3 variants). When stolen by Panty Thief the underwear becomes self-aware and flees previous owner. It’ll take some skill to catch it.
- New enemy type: Tickle Thief, similar to regular tickling enemies, but steals items instead of dropping them to the ground, preventing easy reequipping, and has a higher chance to equip restraints. Spawns at level 18, patrols at level 23.
- New enemy type: Dandelion. An average danger shooter, shoots in all directions around it, doing a minor damage per shot but releasing multiple bullets. Spawns at level 12, patrols at level 19.
- 2 New enemy types: Tickling Mess that spawns Small Ticklers. The latter are very weak variants of tickling slimes, however have a very high chance to equip bondage mittens.
- 2 New enemy types: Slime Mould that spawns Small Slimes. What they lack in strength small slimes make up in numbers.
- New enemy type: Veins Binder. Very similar to Binder Slime and Binder Aspheroid, but uses “Living Ropes” to tie up the character.
- 6 new restraints: Living Ropes. Very similar to regular ropes, but slowly regenerate durability with time (2 new enchantments).
Smaller features:
- Significantly reduce noise of overwear (by 20%-40%)
- Chastity underwear is less noisy (2.5 -> 1.7) and higher protection (3% -> 8%)
- Compress images (significantly reduce RAM and VRAM usage, increase render speed)
- Render paperdoll on GPU (significantly increase paperdoll rendering speed, support for colorization)
- Tickling aspheroid now spawns at level 22, patrols at level 24
- 2 mew map kinds: Checkers3x3 and Checkers4x4
- Option to censor only in screenshots
- Option to censor per-character (cannot be edited in the UI yet)
- Patrols go to a small area, not perfectly to the same spot on the map
- Monster go to investigate points near the target, not perfectly at the location of the noise
- Wisps are now using ghost-movement
- New map kind: ThickWalls
- New enchantment: StruggleAgainstRestraintsMultiplier (not used yet)
- Twinkles are now “rare” monsters (can’t be the only monster kind on the map)
- Larger “go to map” buttons in Debug UI; Add “Restart Current Map” at the top of the list
- Significantly increase Sleeping Blindfold resting bonus: 2x -> 7x
- Significantly increase Twinkle, Dream Catcher and Vibrapawn sleep healing
- Increase ropes durability, decrease linked wristbands durability
- Vacuum stealer shoots first shot faster (prevent too easy kill even unarmed)
- FootwearDamageMultiplier = 0.1 at max difficulty, 0 at easy
- Increase vacuum stealer trap suspension duration 1.0 -> 1.5 seconds
- Better order of player characters rendering: first captured, then free, then current
- Stop spawning “ghost_cloth” and “jack_o_lantern”
- Significantly reduce binder enemies clothes damage.
- Toggle inventory mode button
- Increase pincher top naked vision 13->19
- Improve some combat logs
- Reduce Amulet of Protection noise 1.1 -> 0.1 and increase damage absorption 0.5 -> 0.8
- Antigrav Guard starts attacking much faster (1.7 -> 1.0 seconds delay) but cools down longer (4.8 -> 5.5)
- Some fixes in Vinculopedia articles
- Improve map sprites for torso, spirals
- Proper scrollbars theme
- 5x increase stamina regen and reduce noise by 30% of Arm Bow
- Slightly reduce spirals unarmed damage (+3 -> +2; whole set +12(17) -> +8(13)) and reduce their spawn chance - they were too OP if a full set collected and it was too easy to collect the set
- Reduce debug colliders opacity
- Block interactions with the map while Pause/CharacterScreen is in overlay mode
“Garbage Collector” for safer management of memory - potentially should prevent some crashes (but in not too tested state may actually cause some ;)) and add a bit more “freedom” in what can be done in actions (e.g. action now can safely change action of the Parent)
Bugfix: diagonal movement now always two-directional (finally!)
Bugfix: fix some crashes when trying to report errors
Bugfix: blindfolds properly marked as “UnequipDisintegrates”
Bugfix: Traps no longer create “danger” state
Bugfix: workaround occasional crash after zero g suspension22
Bugfix: potential crash when attacking enemies blindfolded
Bugfix: occasionally character failed to attack monster when blindfolded
Bugfix: memory leak in case binder slime failed to apply restraints
Bugfix: safer objects disposal, in fact hypothetically can crash more often - but will now be more specific about reasons, so those can be fixed easier
Bugfix: Roleplayer always wakes up the target
Bugfix: Roleplayer now will properly show a log message and give XP when kills itself by critical failure roll
Bugfix: show “attack” description for projectile Zero-G
Bugfix: empty patrol waves no longer possible
Workaround: sometimes unable to attack 2x2 or smaller enemy when it stands too close to a wall
Bugfix: avoid taking several screenshots if several views are active
Bugfix: vacuum cleaner revert to simpler behavior, will not steal all items regardless of what was equipped
Bugfix: steal to chest attack now steals to random chests, not always to the same one
Bugfix: binder enemies now also consider hands bound as condition to fully immobilize the character.
Bugfix: missing scrollbar when inventory is in compact mode
Bugfix: crash when unequipping item and it was stolen/broken by a monster
Bugfix: if item durability becomes crazy high (like webbing), it doesn’t show more than 999; before it wasn’t fitting into UI.
Bugfix: medicus acting incorrectly after reinforcing the restraints
Bugfix: actions are now properly stopped before getting freed. Fixes a lot of inconsistencies, and hopefully fixes a bunch of crashes.
Bugfix: proper game shutdown sequence, prevents occasional crashes during quitting the game.
Fix “Barrel” object ordering in the middle of traps in vinculopedia
Cancel CI/CD, unfortunately they’ve stopped working due to FPC bug which is fixed in newer version not available for CI/CD easily
Get Vinculike (18+) - Prototype
Vinculike (18+) - Prototype
Prototype of action roguelike-like dungeon crawler with NSFW elements
Status | Prototype |
Author | EugeneLoza |
Genre | Role Playing, Adventure |
Tags | Adult, bondage, Dungeon Crawler, Erotic, Furry, NSFW, Roguelike, Roguelite |
Languages | English |
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- 0.56.5629 - HotfixMar 14, 2024
- 0.55.5074 - HotfixNov 04, 2023
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Thank you! :D