Project Discontinued

Project Discontinued

Unfortunately I have bad news - the project is discontinued. More details in official Discord server.

Don’t forget that the project is Free and Open Source, if you feel like a challenge - you can pick it up and give it a second life.

Get Vinculike (18+) - Prototype


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Nolo, thats sad

how sa

I’m sorry you wanted it this way when things went south, my most sincere condolences, wish I talked to you more than just exchanging a few words


Nooooooooo 😭😭😭😭

What happened? Is it about that is too many bugs that can’t be fixed or you can just giving it to somebody else who can do it for you.

(1 edit) (+1)

furry porn curse strikes again... hope its not due to your life going to pot though.

edit worse then i thought rip...

what happened?!?!?

just notiecd this sorry, but in case you diddnt find out yet project lead is ded

was he the one that answered the comment here? I talked with him a lot

if your refering to EugeneLoza then yes...

nooo, www, i could've talked with him more instead of only saying gg and other supporting words to each new update, i feel bad

(2 edits) (+1)

Oh well, too bad...

Edit: Just found out the news, may they rest in peace. I'm sorry to hear they passed away.

what happened?!?!?